Chapter 8






D - Duir (Oak) - Tree Alphabet / (─┴┴─) Line Ogham





NAME         Da Choca

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     hosteller / druid

TYPE         artificer / blacksmith

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       west Meath

TERRITORY    Connacht

SITES        Sliabh Malonn

CENTERS      hostel (bruidhean)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Da Choca's

SEE ALSO     Cormac Condloinges

REMARKS      Da Choca was one of 6 hostellers in Ireland in

  his time and his bruidhean was in Sliabh Malonn in eastern

  Connacht.  He died in a conflict at his bruidhean when

  warriors from Connacht attacked Cormac Condloinges.



NAME         Da Derga

EPITHET      The Red

ALTERNATIVE  Hua Derga (red)

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Samhain (Night of the Dead)

CATEGORY     deity / warrior / druid / hosteller

TYPE         god of the dead / supernatural / chief hosteller

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Dublin

TERRITORY    Leinster / Cua (Cualu) / Mide

LANDMARKS    Dodder / Magh Liffey

CENTERS      The Red Hostel (Bruidhean Dearg)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c / BC 38 (destruction)

BATTLES      Ath Cliath

ENEMIES      Ingcel / sons of Donn Desa

SEE ALSO     Bran ap Llyr / Conaire Mor / Da Derga / Donn

             Desa / Ingcel

REMARKS      Da Derga was described as having red hair, ruddy

  cheeks and blue eyes with red eyebrows.  He operated a

  hostel (bruidhean) on the Magh Liffey by Dodder river near

  present-day Dublin in the territory of Cua (Cualu).  The

  hostel had 7 doors with 7 rooms, each between 2 doors, and

  there was a door-vent.  The doors were always open unless

  they faced the wind, in which case they were shut.  The

  hostel was also described as having 9 doors plus a door-


       In BC 38 there was a great battle or destruction at Da

  Derga's hostel (Bruidhean Dearg) between the high chieftain

  of Ireland and a force of raiders from Ireland and Britain.

  To get to the hostel, the invading army built hurdles

  across the river Liffey.  This gave the name to the Town of

  the Hurdle Ford (Baile Atha Cliath) which was eventually

  built around the site.

       During the battle Da Derga was described as wearing a

  white hooded shirt and a green cloak and carrying a sword

  with an ivory handle.  He had 3x50 personal warriors who

  were described as having long hair and wearing speckled

  green trousers and short cloaks to their buttocks.  Their

  weapons were clubs of blackthorn with iron bands.

       Da Derga also had two attendants, Muredach and Corpre,

  who were his fosterlings and the sons of the head chieftain

  of Leinster.  They served the guests of the hostel with ale

  and food.  The cauldron of Da Derga's hostel was known to

  have been in continuous use since it first opened and was

  never taken from the fire.

       When Conaire became high chieftain of Ireland, he gave

  to Da Derga 100 kine, 100 swine, 100 mantles of close

  cloth, 100 blue-colored weapons, 10 red gilded brooches, 10

  vats of ale, 10 slaves, 10 querns, 3x9 white hounds with

  silver chains and 100 race horses.

       When the high chieftain of Ireland and his entourage

  arrived at the hostel, Da Derga could not turn them away

  even though all the signs pointed to death and destruction.

  Da Derga and most of his bruidhean escaped the massacre.

  This story is similar to the invasion of Ireland by Bran

  and his army of Britons.



NAME         Dagdae

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Samhain (Night of the Dead)

CATEGORY     head chef for the Conaire (Ard Righ Eirinn)

TYPE         servant

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath / Dublin


LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg / Magh Liffey

SITES        Da Derga's Hostel

CENTERS      Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Ath Cliath

ENEMIES      Ingcel / sons of Donn Desa

SEE ALSO     Da Derga / Donn Desa / Ingcel

REMARKS      Dagdae was the head chef for the high chieftain

  of Ireland and therefore was a part of the entourage that

  gathered at the hostel on the Magh Liffey.  He was

  described as a gray-haired man and he was accompanied by

  Seig and Segdae, his fosterling helpers and sons of Rofer

  Singlespit.  His two young helpers each wore aprons with

  inlaid decorations and all three killed an enemy each

  during the destruction at Da Derga's.



NAME         Daghda

EPITHET      In Fagda Mor (The Great Good God) / The

             Excellent God / All Competent / The Red One of

             Great Knowledge (In Ruadh Rofhessa) / Dagodevos

             (The Capable God) / Great Father Stallion

             (Eochaid Ollathair, Echu Ollathir) / Eochaidh


ALTERNATIVE  Dagda / Dagdae / Dagdai / Dagdhdha / Dagdhae /

             Daghda {dahg'-du/dahg'-thu} / Daghdae / Daghdo /

             Daghdou / Daghua / Eochaidh Ollamh {yohee ollav}

GENDER       M

SYMBOL       oak club / horse

FESTIVAL     Beltainn (Brilliant Fires) / summer solstice

CATEGORY     deity / hero / warrior / filidh / 5th Ri Ruirech

TYPE         triple god (death/birth/life) / historical poet

             / harper / negotiator / god of the druids /

             father of earth / fertility / oak god / head


CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Mayo / Sligo / Meath / Donegal

TERRITORY    Connacht / East Munster / Leinster / West

             Munster / Ulster

LANDMARKS    Unius river

SITES        The Bed of the Couple / Plain of Towers (Magh

             Tuireadh) / Teltown (Tailltenn) / Drumleene /


CENTERS      Sidhe Uisneach Mide

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 16th c / BC 17th-16th c / BC 1646-1566

             (Kings List)

BATTLES      first battle of Magh Tuireadh (south Moytura) /

             second battle of Magh Tuireadh (north Moytura) /

             Taillcenn / Druim Lighean

ACCESSORIES  magical oak club / supernatural harp /

             inexhaustable cauldron / magical tree / black


RELATIVES    Eladu (father); Danu (mother/consort); Macha,

             Breg and Boann (consorts); Aine, Adair and

             Brighid (daughters); Aed Caem, Cermat Milbel and

             Anghus (sons); Oghma, Elloth, Bress, Delbaed,

             Mechi, Brénos, Iuchar and Iucharbra (half-

             brothers); Aigden, Barrand, Be Chuille, Be Find,

             Dianann, Be Thete and Boan (half-sisters);

             Magog, Iabonel, Ordan and Net (ancestors)

ENEMIES      Fomorii / Ceithlenn

SEE ALSO     Aed Caem / Amhairghin / Anghus mac Og / Be

             Chuille / Be Find / Boann / Bodb Dearg / Breg /

             Brénos / Bress / Brighid / Ceithlenn / Cermat

             Milbel / Danu / Dianann / Iarbonel / Indech /

             Lugh / Macha / Magog / Midhir / Net / Oghma /


REMARKS      Daghda was the son of Danu, daughter of Ernmas,

  daughter of Etarlam, son of Ordan, as well as being the son

  of Eladu, son of Delbach, son of Net.

       The Danann invaded Ireland on Beltainn and defeated

  the Firbolg during the first battle of Magh Tuireadh which

  was fought during the summer solstice.  The Daghda was the

  spiritual leader of the Danann and mated with many war and

  earth goddesses of Ireland to ensure their success.  In

  time, he became known as the Omnipotent God of Complete

  Knowledge.  His mother was Danu, the eponymous goddess of

  the Danann, and his father was Eladu (fir), the tree of


       Daghda could summon the seasons by playing his

  supernatural harp.  The harp was stolen by Fomorians so,

  after the battle of north Moytura, Daghda, Lugh and Oghma

  followed the Fomorians to their camp and there on the wall

  of the banquet hall was his supernatural harp.  Daghda

  called out to his harp: "Come apple-sweet murmurer, come

  four-angled frame of harmony, come summer, come winter,

  from the mouths of harps, bags, and pipes."  At this

  command the harp flew off the wall of the hall to the hands

  of Daghda, killing 9 Fomorians on the way.  The Daghda then

  played the 3 noble strains: Lament, Laughter and Slumber.

  When the Fomorians had fallen asleep, the 3 Danann made

  their escape.

       Daghda had a supernatural cauldron, a present from

  Lugh, whose contents satisfied all guests, a magical tree

  which continuously bore fruit and a black horse named Acein

  (ocean).  Daghda had a supernatural club of oak that was so

  large he had to drag it on wheels.  He could use one end to

  kill the living and the other end to revive the dead.  When

  his son Cermat was killed by Lugh, Daghda used the club to

  resurrect him.

       On the eve of summer solstice before the second battle

  of Magh Tuireadh, Daghda met with The Morrighan (Danu) at

  the Unius river in Connacht.  She was washing the blood

  from the clothing of the warriors who were to die in the

  upcoming battle.  The Morrighan was dressed in red and her

  long red hair hung from her head in 9 loose tresses.  She

  and the Daghda had intercourse while she straddled the

  river with one foot placed in the north and the other in

  the south.  The site is still referred to as "The Bed of

  the Couple".

       The Morrighan promised Daghda that she would take the

  blood from the heart of Indech, the Fomorian chieftain, and

  the valor from his kidneys.  The Morrighan then gave Daghda

  two handsful of Indech's blood.  The Daghda was then sent

  by Lugh to negotiate with the Fomorians in order to buy

  time and to spy on them in preparation for their upcoming


       Daghda went to the Fomorians dressed as a fool with a

  short tunic that only reached his buttocks, a hood and cape

  which only came to his elbows and boots made of horsehide

  with the hair side out.  He was forced to eat a porridge of

  meal mixed with goat, sheep, boar, 8 measures of milk and 8

  measures of mead.  They mixed the porridge in a hole in the

  ground lined with leather.  They gave the Daghda a ladle

  large enough for a man and woman to lie in.  He ate it all

  on pain of death, scraping the remainder out with his

  finger.  Then, with a huge belly, he fell asleep.  When he

  awoke and left the Fomorian camp, the daughter of Indech

  came to him.  They performed ritual intercourse and she

  promised to turn her arts in favor of the Danann during the

  upcoming battle.

       During the 2nd battle of Magh Tuireadh, the Danann

  lost 3 female and 3 male chieftains and many warriors.

  Although Daghda was mortally wounded by the female warrior

  Ceithlenn in the battle, he succeeded Lugh as the head

  chieftain (oak god).  Daghda served 80 years as head

  chieftain.  After the battles of Taillcenn (Teltown) in

  Meath and Druim Lighean (Drumleene) in Donegal, the Danann

  were defeated by the invading Goidel.

       Daghda negotiated for the Danann and Amhairghin

  negotiated for the Goidel.  Daghda allotted his chieftains

  the sidhes of Ireland, taking Uisneach Mide, the spiritual

  center of Ireland in the new province of Mide, as his home.

  Because MacGreine was dead, Daghda appointed Bodb Dearg as

  head chieftain of the Danann which rusulted in a civil war.



NAME         Daire

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         battleline soldier

CULTURE      Danann / Goidel / Pictish / Fomorii / Fianna -

             Clanna Ui Tarsigh

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Leinster

SITES        Allen Hill

CENTERS      Raith Almu (Fort of Almain)

AGE          Iron

DATES        AD 3rd c

RELATIVES    Fionn (father); Samhair and Cebha (half-

             sisters); Aedh, Ailbhinn, Cairell, Daire,

             Fergus, Oisin and Raighne (half-brothers)

SEE ALSO     Ailbhinn / Cairell / Cebha / Daire / Fergus

             Finnbheoil / Fionn mac Cumhaill / Samhair

REMARKS      Daire was a son of Fionn mac Cumhaill.  He was

  swallowed by a whale but survived by cutting his way out

  with his sword.



NAME         Daireann

GENDER       F

CATEGORY     deity

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Tipperary

TERRITORY    Munster

CENTERS      Sidhe ar Femuin

AGE          Iron

DATES        AD 3rd c

RELATIVES    Sadb (sister); Bodb Dearg (ancestor)

SEE ALSO     Bodb Dearg / Fionn / Sadb

REMARKS      The goddess Daireann appeared to Fionn and

  demanded that he marry her.  When Fionn refused she gave

  him a poison that drove him temporarily mad.  The madness

  passed and left no permanent damage.



NAME         Damona

EPITHET      The Divine Cow / The Great Cow


GENDER       F

SYMBOL       cow / snake

CATEGORY     deity

TYPE         corn goddess / healer and fertility goddess /

             earth goddess

CULTURE      Gallic - Lingones tribe

COUNTRY      France

REGION       Haute-Marne


LANDMARKS    Marne / Meuse / Aube / Saône

SITES        curative springs at Bourbonne-les-Bains

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 7th c

RELATIVES    Borvo, Moritasgus and Abilus (consorts)

SEE ALSO     Abilus / Borvo / Moritasgus

REMARKS      Damona was a goddess of the thermal springs in

  Bourbonne-les-Bains.  Her name associates her with the

  divine cows.  Borvo, Moritasgus and Abilus were consorts of

  hers.  In later times her image was accompanied by wreaths

  of corn ears (grain) and sculpted with snakes coiled around

  her arms.  The Lingones tribe was in the area at least by

  BC 7th century and possibly earlier.



NAME         Danaë


GENDER       F

CATEGORY     noble

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      France / Ireland

TERRITORY    Gaul / Argos


CENTERS      Troyes (Mycenae)

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 14th-13th c

RELATIVES    Acrisius (father); Zeus (consort); Perseus

             (son); Polydectes (husband)

SEE ALSO     Agamemnon / Athena / Zeus

REMARKS      Danaë was a daughter of Acrisius, a head

  chieftain of Argos.  The druids had given a prophecy

  whereby he would be killed by a grandchild, so he

  imprisoned his daughter Danaë in a tower.

       Zeus, in a shower of gold, managed to reach her and

  impregnate her.  When her son Perseus was born, she and her

  son were put in a wooden chest (boat) and given to the sea.

  Eventually they landed on the island of Seriphos (Ireland).

       Because the high chieftain of Seriphos was interested

  in marrying Danaë, he sent Perseus to Libya (southwestern

  France) to acquire the head of Medusa, which he did with

  the help of the goddess Athena.  On his return home,

  Perseus saved Andromeda from being sacrificed to a sea

  monster by showing it the head of Medusa which turned it to

  stone.  He and Andromeda were then married.  He then

  proceeded to Seriphos where he showed Polydectes the head

  of Medusa and turned him into stone because he was

  mistreating his mother.  Perseus then gave the head of

  Medusa to Athena.

       Next Perseus took his mother and wife to meet his

  grandfather Acrisius in Argos.  Fulfilling the ancient

  prophecy, he accidentally killed his grandfather while

  playing quoits.  He then took the position of high

  chieftain but later traded it for the position of high

  chieftain of Tiryns.  Here he founded Mycenae (Troyes)

  which was later ruled by Agamemnon.



NAME         Danaus

ALTERNATIVE  Danaus (dan'-ee-us)

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

TYPE         head chieftain

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      France

TERRITORY    Gaul / Libya / Belgica / Argos

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 13th c

RELATIVES    Belus (father) / Aegyptus (twin brother) /

             Danaides (50 foster-daughters)

REMARKS      Danaus was the son of Belus, twin of Aegyptus,

  and father of the Danaids.  He was a head chieftain of

  Libya (southwestern France, around Bordeaux) but left there

  and moved to Argos (northern France) where he became head

  chieftain.  The people of his territory were called Danaan

  (Danann/Danai) and by the time of the Trojan War, the name

  Danai referred to all the people of the territory.

       His 50 foster-daughters were called the Danaides and

  were promised to the 50 foster-sons of their uncle

  Aegyptus, but Danaus was afraid of a plot against him and

  asked the girls to kill their husbands on the wedding

  night.  All of them did so except Hypermnestra, and as

  punishment they had to spend eternity in Hades pouring

  water into vessels with holes, symbolized by the springs

  and rivers of Argos.



NAME         Danu

EPITHET      The Lasting One / Mother of Gods / Nourisher of

             the Gods / The Phantom (Morrighan) / Goddess of

             Demons (Morrigna) / Great Mother (Morrigu) /

             Exalted Raven (Morvan) / Great Jackdaw (Mor

             Cegan) / Great Chieftain (Mor Reega)

ALTERNATIVE  Ana / Anind / Annan / Anu / Dana / Danann / Danu

             {tha-noo, dah'-nu} / Donann / Donu / Flidais /

             Morrigan {More-reegan} / Morrighan {Mor-rig-ahn}

GENDER       F

SYMBOL       blue / woad plant / raven (prophetic) / eel /

             wolf / heifer

FESTIVAL     summer solstice

CATEGORY     deity

TYPE         fertility goddess / war goddess

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland / Scotland / Wales

REGION       Mayo / Kerry / Sligo / Dublin

TERRITORY    West Munster / Connacht / Mide

LANDMARKS    Plain of Towers (Magh Tuireadh) / Magh Liffey

SITES        Da Chich Anann (Breasts of Anu / Paps of Anu)

             / Cauldron of Morrighan (Corryvrecken) /


CENTERS      Sidhe Breg

AGE          Bronze / Iron

DATES        BC 16th-15th c / BC 2nd c

BATTLES      first battle of Magh Tuireadh (south Moytura) /

             second battle of Magh Tuireadh (north Moytura) /

             Ath Cliath / Cualnge Cattle Raid

ACCESSORIES  red horses / red chariot

RELATIVES    Ernmas (mother); Delbaeth (father/consort);

             Brénos, Iucharbra, Iuchar (sons/half-brothers);

             Eladu, Ailill, Delbaed and Bile (consorts);

             Adair, Airgden, Barrand, Be Chuille, Be Find,

             Dianann, Be Thete and Boann (daughters); Daghda

             (son/consort); Mechi (son); Macha, Badbh and

             Elcmar (sisters); Eire, Fodhla and Banbha (half-

             sisters); Fiachu, Olloman and Indui (brothers);

             Neto, Glonn, Gnim and Coscar (half-brothers);

             Corpre Crom (half-brother/nephew); Fea and

             Nemhain (nieces); Magog, Iarbonel, Ordan and Net


SEE ALSO     Ailill of Echraidhe / Badbh / Banbha / Be

             Chuille / Be Find / Be Find / Bile / Boann /

             Bodb / Brénos / Brighid / Cairbre / Conaire / Cu

             Chulainn / Daghda / Delbaeth / Dianann / Eire /

             Ernmas / Elcmar / Fea / Fiachu / Fodhla /

             Forgemen / Iarbonel / Indui / MacCecht /

             MacCuill / MacGreine / Macha / Magog / Olloman /

             Nemhain / Net / Neto / Odras / Olloman / Ordan

REMARKS      Danu, daughter of Ernmas, daughter of Etarlam,

  son of Ordan, was a warrior of the Danann.  Like her mother

  she was known for her expertise in the arts of combat and

  trained many of the Danann warriors.

       Danu's sexual character (life) was the link between

  her role as a mother goddess (birth) and a war goddess

  (death).  As an earth goddess she resided at Sidhe Breg in

  Munster.  Her daughters were known as The Cattle of

  Flidais.  The hills near Killarney are often referred to as

  the Paps of Anu (Breasts of Danu), and Ireland is sometimes

  referred to as the Land of Anu.  As blue is a sacred color

  to the bride or earth goddess, the woad plant was sacred to


        Danu was also known as as The Morrighan, a warrior

  who fought like a demon, spreading chaos and fear.  During

  the battle of south Moytura she was referred to as the

  springs of craftiness and the sources of bitter fighting.

  She eventually became venerated as one of the 5 battle

  goddesses of Ireland along with Macha, Badbh, Fea and

  Nemhain and each had her own area of expertise.  When

  mortals went to war the goddesses had to be appeased in

  order to have them on one's side.

       The Morrighan would sometimes appear as a spectre but

  mostly she favored the form of a large black raven.  The

  whirlpool Corryvrecken, between Jura and Scarba Islands is

  sometimes referred to as Morrigan's Cauldron.  The

  Morrighan sometimes appeared as a washer-woman washing the

  blood from the clothing of those warriors about to die in

  battle.  This may have been an incentive to fight naked, as

  some did.

       The Morrighan's favor could sometimes be won over by

  sexual intercourse.  The Daghda came across her while she

  straddled the river between the Danann and the Fomorii.  He

  had intercourse with her so she helped the Danann win the

  war.  The Morrighan was also someone not to cross, as Odras

  the Goidel cowherd found out when she tried to stop the

  Morrighan from taking her cows.

       The Morrighan appeared to Conaire in the form of a

  hag.  In the form of a raven, she landed on a pillar stone

  in Cualnge and told the brown bull to move to Glenn na

  Samaisce (Heifers Glenn) in Sliab Culinn (Hollymount),

  northern Ulster.  The brown bull took 50 heifers and

  Forgemen the Cowherd in order to escape capture from the

  Host of Connacht.

       When the Morrighan approched Cu Chulainn at the river

  she had red hair and eyebrows.  She was dressed in red and

  riding in her red chariot which was drawn by a huge ugly

  red horse with one leg.  The chariot pole passed through

  the horse's body and came out through its forehead where it

  was held by a peg.  Alongside the Morrighan was a crudely-

  dressed man driving a red cow with a forked hazel stick.

       The Morrighan offered to help Cu Chulainn in return

  for sexual favors but he rejected her affection and sealed

  his fate.  The Morrighan told Cu Chulainn that she had come

  with her treasures and her cattle because she loved him for

  his valor and great deeds.  Cu Chulainn thought that a

  woman would weaken him at that particular time and refused

  her advances.  She became angry and told Cu Chulainn that

  if he did not want her help then he would have her


       The Morrighan interfered with Cu Chulainn 3 times

  while he was fighting for his life.  The first time she

  interfered, she appeared as an eel that wound around his

  leg and tried to trip him.  Cu Chulainn broke the eel's

  ribs with his toe and drove it away.  The second time she

  appeared as a shaggy russet-furred wolf which drove a herd

  of cattle against him.  Cu Chulainn put out an eye of the

  wolf with his sling and drove it off.  The third time she

  appeared to Cu Chulainn she came disguised as a red heifer

  without horns.  Cu Chulain broke a leg of the heifer and

  she retreated again.

       When Cu Chulainn was dying of thirst, an ancient one-

  eyed stooping hag with a limp came by leading a tawny milk

  cow with 3 teats.  Cu Chulainn asked her for a drink of

  milk to quench his thirst and she gave him a drink straight

  from the teat.  Cu Chulainn blessed her and the ancient hag

  straightened up.  He then asked her if he might have

  another drink and she gave him milk from the 2nd teat.  Cu

  Chulainn again blessed her and she looked at him with two

  good eyes.  Cu Chulainn asked her if he could have just one

  more drink and she gave him milk from the 3rd teat.  Cu

  Chulainn's thirst was quenched and he blessed her in the

  name of all the gods and non-gods.  As she walked toward

  him he realized her limp was gone and that she was a young

  maiden of great beauty; in fact, she was the mighty


       Later when Cu Chulainn fought his final battle and had

  tied himself to the pillar stone, the Morrighan came in the

  form of a great raven and settled on his shoulder.



NAME         Dare mac Dedaid

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         chariot warrior

CULTURE      Goidel - Clanna Dedad (The Degads)

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Kerry

TERRITORY    Munster

CENTERS      Temair Luachra (Tara of the Rushes)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Dedad (father); CuRoi (son); Conganchness, Li,

             Echbel, Gabalglinde and Foenglinde (brothers);

             Eremon and Tea (ancestors)

SEE ALSO     Conganchness mac Dedaid / CuRoi macDaire / Dedad

             / Echbel mac Dedaid / Eremon / Foenglinde mac

             Dedaid / Gabalglinde mac Dedaid / Li mac Dedaid

             / Tea

REMARKS      Dare was the son of Dedad and the father of

  CuRoi, champion of the Degads (Clanna Dedad).  Temair

  Luachra, the burial sire of the Clanna Erainn, became the

  headquarters of the Clanna Dedad.



NAME         Dare macFiachu


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

TYPE         chariot warrior / Red Branch champion

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland


LANDMARKS    Carlingford Peninsula / Cantel of Cualnge

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Cualnge Cattle Raid / Gairech & Irgairech

ACCESSORIES  The Brown Bull of Cualnge

RELATIVES    Fiachna (father); Imchad and Ros (brothers)

ENEMIES      Host of Connacht

SEE ALSO     Forgeman / Fruich / MacRoth / Medbh

REMARKS      Dare macFiachu found Fruich in the form of a

  waterworm in the water he had drawn and it told him of a

  coming battle.  It was then drunk by a cow and was reborn

  as the Brown Bull of Cualnge.  The bull was named after the

  district on the Carlingford Peninsula in the ancient

  province of Ulster and Forgeman was its herdsman (cowherd).

       The Brown Bull was a supernatural beast, being the

  reincarnation of a god of the Sidhe, and as he grew so did

  his fame.  The bull would allow 50 youths to rest on his

  back in the evening to play draughts, assembly and leaping.

  Another virtue was that 100 warriors could be protected

  from the elements by his shadow or body heat.  Goblins,

  boggarts or sprites would not come anywhere near him and

  his lowing was musical to the ear for anyone within

  hearing.  Most important of his many virtues was that he

  would mount fifty heifers a day and they would calf within

  24 hours or burst apart.

       Medbh, Sovereign of Connacht, desired the bull for her

  herd and sent MacRoth to negotiate a sale of the bull.  She

  offered new land, a chariot and 50 heifers and the close

  friendship of herself, Sovereign of Connacht.  Dare was

  considering the offer when his chef overheard one of

  Connacht's couriers saying that it was lucky he was giving

  the bull peacefully because otherwise they would have taken

  it by force.  Upon hearing the insult, Dare refused the

  offer and sent the negotiators away.

       During the Cualnge Cattle Raid, Dare and his brothers

  were described as high-spirited youths, fiery and noble.

  They had their hair cut close to the head, wore sleeved

  tunics embroidered in red gold around their girth and over

  these they wore single-colored cloaks folded over them and

  held with gold fibulas.  Each carried a shield, a gold-

  hilted sword on his shoulder and a 5-pointed broad gray-

  green spear in his right hand.

       The Brown Bull, who was the object of the Bo Tain war,

  killed his enemy the Bull White Horn (Finnbhenach) and

  headed for home where he died at Druim Tairb (Bull's Back).



NAME         Dath

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / Ri Ruirech

TYPE         chariot warrior / head chieftain

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Carlow

TERRITORY    Leinster

CENTERS      Dinn Rig

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd c

RELATIVES    Mesroeda and Mesgegra (sons)

SEE ALSO     Mac Da Tho (Mesroeda) / Mesgegra mac Datho

REMARKS      Dath was the head chieftain of Leinster and the

  father of Mesroeda and Mesgegra.



NAME         Dathi


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / Ard Righ Eirinn

TYPE         high chieftain

CULTURE      Goidel / Danann / Pictish

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath

TERRITORY    Connacht / Leinster / Mide / Munster / Ulster

LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg

CENTERS      Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          Ui Néill

DATES        %AD 4th-5th c / AD 381-404 (Ard Righ - Kings

  List) %

ACCESSORIES  Boramha Tribute (cattle counting)

RELATIVES    Fiachra (father); Ailill Molt (son); Eochu

             Muigmedon (grandfather); Niall Noighiallach

             (uncle); Eremon and Tea (ancestors)

ENEMIES      Formenius

SEE ALSO     Eochu Muigmedon / Eremon / Loiguiri mac Neil /

             Nial Noighiallach / Tea

REMARKS      Dathi, son of Fiachra, son of Eochu Muigmedon,

  descendant of Eremon and Tea, became the high chieftain

  after his uncle Niall Noighiallach.  He continued to exact

  the cattle tax (Boramha Tribute) from Leinster without a


       Dathi led a fleet of warriors to Sliab Elpa in Thrace

  and attacked the fortress of Formenius.  During the siege,

  he was killed by a bolt of lightning (arrow) sent by a

  Thracian god.  He was followed by his cousin Loiguiri mac

  Neil who ruled for 30 years before the coming of Patrick.

  Loiguiri died at Mag Lifi between the hills of Alba and

  Eriu while securing the cattle tax from Leinster.



NAME         Dealgnaid

ALTERNATIVE  Elgnat / Delgnat

GENDER       F

FESTIVAL     Beltainn (Brilliant Fires)

CATEGORY     rigbean (noble woman)

TYPE         wife of the chieftain

CULTURE      Partholean tribe

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Munster

SITE         Da Econd (Of the Two Fools)

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 19th c

BATTLES      Magh Ibha

ACCESSORIES  lapdog (Saimer)

RELATIVES    Partholon (husband); Senboth, Laighlinne,

             Slainge, Rudraidhe, Eber, Er, Orba, Ferann and

             Fergna (sons); Aidne, Aife, Aine, Fochain,

             Muchos, Melepard, Glas, Grennach, Ablach and

             Gribendach (daughters); Toba (consort)

ENEMIES      Fomorii

SEE ALSO     Eber / Laighlinne / Partholon / Rudraidhe /

             Senboth / Slainge

REMARKS      One day, while Partholon was away fishing and

  hunting, Dealgnaid, daughter of Lochtach, and Toba, servant

  of Partholon, drank from the tubes of Partholon's vats and

  then fornicated by a river.  Because of this act the river

  was named Da Econd (Of the Two Fools).

       When Partholon returned home he found out what had

  happened and killed Dealgnaid's lapdog (Saimer) in revenge.

  She defended her action by accusing her husband of leaving

  her in a situation where such a thing could happen.  He was

  pronounced negligent and this was the first adultery, the

  first jealousy and the first judgment in Ireland.  Toba was

  later killed by Partholon.



NAME         Dechtire

ALTERNATIVE  Dectera / Deichtine {dech-tin-e}

GENDER       F

CATEGORY     rigbean (noble woman) / charioteer

TYPE         driver for Conchobar (Ri Ruirech)

CULTURE      Goidel - Dal nAraide / Danann / Pictish

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Louth


LANDMARKS    Magh Muirthemni

CENTERS      Raith Dairgthech

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Cathbad (father); Maga (mother); Conchobar

             (half-brother/consort); Cu Chulainn (son);

             Sualtaim (husband/half-brother); Lugh (consort);

             Elbha and Findchaem (sisters); Genonn and Imrinn

             (brothers); Ferghus and Fachtna (half-brothers);

             Ir and Anghus (ancestors)

SEE ALSO     Anghus mac Og / Cathbad / Conchobar / Cu

             Chulainn / Elbha / Fachtna Fathach / Ferghus mac

             Roig / Findchaem / Genonn Gruadsolus / Imrinn /

             Ir / Lugh / Maga / Sualtaim macRoig

REMARKS      Dechtire was the daughter of Cathbad and Maga

  and in her youth was a charioteer for her half-brother

  Conchobar.  During a Beltainn festival, she was the consort

  to the sun god while Conchobar was the consort to the earth


       The sun god Lugh changed Dechtire and her maidens into

  a flock of birds.  The women disappeared for 9 months until

  the birds appeared again at Emain Macha, inciting the

  warriors to follow after them in their chariots.

       At sundown they arrived at a Sidhe mound and were

  invited to enter where they were entertained for the night

  with a feast.  In the morning, Dechtire appeared with a

  child and they were told to take the child home to Emain

  Macha and to train him well.  He was named Setanta after a

  Pictish tribe from Britain on her distaff side.

       Dechtire then married the filidh Sualtaim who became

  the boy's father.  They lived at raith Dairgthech (Oak

  House) in county Louth on the Plain of Muirthemni.



NAME         Dedad


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     hero / warrior / Ri Ruirech

TYPE         chariot warrior / champion / head chieftain

CULTURE      Goidel / Clanna Dedad (The Degads)

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Kerry

TERRITORY    West Munster

CENTERS      Temair Luachra (Tara of the Rushes)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Sin (father); Dare, Conganchness, Li, Echbel,

             Gabalglinde and Foenglinde (sons); CuRoi

             (grandson); Tigernach Tetbannach (uncle); Eremon

             and Tea (ancestors)

SEE ALSO     Conganchness mac Dedaid / CuRoi macDaire / Dare

             mac Dedaid / Echbel mac Dedaid / Eremon /

             Foenglinde mac Dedaid / Gabalglinde mac Dedaid /

             Li mac Dedaid / Tea / Tigernach Tetbannach

REMARKS      Dedad, son of Sin son of Daire, was a descendant

  of Eremon and Tea of the Milesian (Goidel).  During the

  reign of Conaire Mor he became the head chieftain of West

  Munster and Tigernach Tetbannach, son of Daire son of

  Ailill, was the head chieftain of East Munster.

       Dedad established the Clanna Dedad (The Degads) as a

  unit of elite warriors or champions.  Temair Luachra, the

  burial sire of the Clanna Erainn, became the headquarters

  of the Clanna Dedad.



NAME         Deiotarus

EPITHET      The Divine Bull


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     deity / warrior / vate / Brenin

TYPE         bull god / soothsayer / head chieftain

CULTURE      Galatian - Tolistoboii

COUNTRY      Turkey

TERRITORY    Galatia

SITES        Drunemeton (sacred spring)

CENTERS      Tolistothora

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 1st c / BC 63 / BC 45

RELATIVES    Dumnorix (father)

SEE ALSO     Dumnorix

REMARKS      In BC 63 during the Roman domination of Turkey,

  the Galatians lost their independence when Pompey organized

  the three chiefdoms of Galatia into principalities of Rome.

  Deiotarus was made the chieftain of one of the new

  territories.  During the civil war between Caesar and

  Pompey for control of Rome, Deiotarus plotted to increase

  the strife.

       In BC 45 Deiotarus defended his conduct before Caesar,

  using Cicero as his defence.  He was victorious and

  returned home as the Rix of the three chieftains of


       Deiotarus dedicated a sacred spring, unified the

  Celtic tribes, conquered an area and made a treaty with

  Rome.  The three chieftains who ruled the territory formed

  a triumvirate.



NAME         Deirdre

EPITHET      Of the Sorrows

ALTERNATIVE  Darthula / Deirdre {deer-dree} / Derdrui

             {der dru}

GENDER       F

CATEGORY     hero / rigbean (noble woman)

TYPE         most beautiful woman

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland / Scotland


SITES        Armagh

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Fedlim (father); Naoise (husband); Lebarcham


ENEMIES      Conchobhar / Eogan mac Durthacht

SEE ALSO     Ailill macMata / Baruch / Buinne / Cathbad /

             Conchobar mac Nessa / Eoghan mac Durthacht /

             Fedlim mac Daill / Ferghus mac Roig / Illann /

             Lebarcham / Medbh / Naoise / Sencha macAilella

REMARKS      Deirdre was the daughter of Fedlim mac Daill,

  storyteller to Conchobar, head chieftain of Ulster.  During

  a feast at which Aenchae, Sencha, Cathbad, Conchobar,

  Ferghus mac Roig and many of the heroes of Ulster were

  present, Deirdre let out a scream while she was still in

  her mother's womb.  Cathbad prophesied a tall female of

  great beauty with golden hair, gray-green eyes, flawless

  skin and snow-white teeth.  He also predicted that her

  great beauty would cause much hardship and many deaths

  among the Ulster warriors.

       The warriors wanted her put to death, but Conchobar

  said he would foster her and raise her away from everyone.

  She was fostered to a female filidh named Lebarcham and

  taken to a great woods of Ulster, never to see any man but

  Cathbad and Conchobar.

       One day, when she was reaching the age of marriage,

  Deirdre and Lebarcham were looking over the wall of their

  raith.  It was winter and there was a new snow over the

  land.  A spot was marked by the red blood of a newly-killed

  calf and as they were watching, a large black raven settled

  on the snow to eat the blood of the calf.  When Deirdre saw

  this she cried out that she would like to see a man whose

  hair was as black as the raven, whose skin was as white as

  the newly-fallen snow and whose cheeks were as red as the

  blood of the newly-slain calf.  Lebarcham told Deirdre that

  there was such a man: Naoise son of Usna, a young warrior

  of the Red Branch.

       Lebarcham arranged a meeting between Deirdre and

  Naoise and the young maiden fell madly in love with him.

  She did not want to marry Conchobar, whom she considered an

  old man, and tried to convince Naoise to help her to

  escape.  One night Naoise and his two brothers came to the

  raith and rescued Deirdre, taking her and Lebarcham to

  Scotland where they became mercenaries for a head chieftain

  of the Picts.  One night, the head chieftain tried to kill

  Naoise and his brothers so he could take Deirdre for

  himself, so the group moved on.

       Back in Ulster, the warriors wanted their brother of

  the Red Branch back and were angry at Conchobar for forcing

  them to the wilderness because of a girl.  Conchobar agreed

  to pardon them and sent Ferghus mac Roig to deliver the

  pardon.  Naoise and his brothers were excited because they

  longed to see their comrades-at-arms and Emain Macha once

  again.  Deirdre, on the other hand, perceived danger but

  was convinced by Naoise that no one including Conchobar

  would violate the protection of Ferghus.

       When Deirdre and her entourage landed in Ireland, they

  were met by Baruch, a Red Branch warrior who invited

  Ferghus to his raith for a feast.  Ferghus could not refuse

  because it was a geis of his never to refuse an invitation

  to a feast.  He put his sons Fiacha, Illann and Buinne in

  charge to safeguard the party to Emain Macha.  Deirdre and

  her group arrived safely at Emain Macha and were housed at

  the Red Branch.  Here Cathbad assured Naoise and his

  brothers that it was safe to leave the Red Branch hostel

  and he would guarantee their safety.

       Conchobar broke his promise, and warriors loyal to him

  commanded by Eoghan attacked the Red Branch.  Naoise and

  his brothers and two of Ferghus's sons were some of the

  many killed in the fray.  This black deed caused a split in

  the warriors of Ulster, and Ferghus led warriors loyal to

  him against Emain Macha and set it ablaze.  He then left

  with his warriors for Connacht where they became

  mercenaries for Ailill and Medbh and fought a 17-year

  guerrilla war against Conchobar.

       Deirdre was no joy to Conchobar as she wept for her

  lost love.  In anger Conchobar asked her what she hated

  most and she replied that she hated him and Eoghan, the

  killer of Naoise.  Conchobar then told Eoghan that he could

  have Deirdre for a year and put her in his chariot.  Before

  they went far Deirdre threw herself out of the chariot and

  dashed her head on a rock, killing herself.  She was buried

  in a grave beside Naoise and in time yew trees grew from

  their graves and intertwined.  They are said to be the yews

  at the great church of Armagh.



NAME         Dela

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

CULTURE      Firbolg

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 17th c

RELATIVES    Loth (father); Gann, Genann, Rudraige, Sengann

             and Slainge (sons); Magog and Semeon (ancestors)

SEE ALSO     Gann / Genann / Magog / Rudraige / Semeon /

             Sengann / Slainge

REMARKS      Dela, son of Loth, son of Oirthet, son of

  Tribuat, son of Gothorb, son of Gosten, son of Fortech, son

  of Semeon of the Nemedian, sired 5 sons who led the Firbolg

  invasion of Ireland.  After they settled the island his

  sons then divided it into 5 territories or provinces

  (Coiceda).  They became known as Leinster, East Munster,

  West Munster, Connacht and Ulster.  Their spiritual center

  was Uisneach, the center of the island, where the five

  provinces met.



NAME         Delbaed

EPITHET      Shapefire

ALTERNATIVE  Dealbaeth / Dealbaith / Delbach / Delbaeth /

             Delbath / Delbaith

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     filidh

TYPE         seer

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Munster

SITES        Fiachu's Cairn

AGE          Ui Néill

DATES        AD 4th-5th c

RELATIVES    Cas mac Tuil (father)

REMARKS      Delbaed and his five sons were banished from

  Munster so he went to Fiachu's Cairn and built a druidic

  fire which sent out five fire streams and he sent his sons

  in those directions.



NAME         Delbaeth

EPITHET      Tuirill Piccroe

ALTERNATIVE  Dealbaeth Dana / Dealbaith / Delbach / Delbaed /

             Delbath / Delbaith

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / 6th Ri Ruirech

TYPE         head chieftain

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Mayo / Sligo

TERRITORY    Connacht

LANDMARKS    Plain of Towers (Magh Tuireadh)

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 16th c / BC 1566-1556 (Kings List)

BATTLES      first battle of Magh Tuireadh (south Moytura)

             second battle of Magh Tuireadh (north Moytura)

RELATIVES    Etain (mother); Oghma (father); Ernmas (wife);

             Macha and Badbh (daughters); Elcmar and Danu

             (daughters/consorts); Fiachu, Olloman, Indui,

             Corpre Crom, Brénos, Iucharba and Iuchar (sons);

             Ai (grandson); Cairbre and Senbecc (half-

             brothers); Diancecht (grandfather); Esaire

             (great-grandmother); Magog, Iarbonel and Net


ENEMIES      Caicher / Cian / Lugh

SEE ALSO     Ai mac Ollamain / Badbh Catha / Brénos / Bress /

             Cairbre / Cian / Danu / Diancecht / Elcmar /

             Ernmas / Esaire / Etain / Fea / Fiachu /

             Iarbonel / Indui / Macha / Magog / Nemhain / Net

             / Oghma / Olloman

REMARKS      Delbaeth was the son of Oghma and Etain and a

  descendant of Net.  Delbaeth sired the 3 sons of Tuirill

  Piccroe: Brénos, Iucharba and Iuchar, with his daughter

  Danu.  There was a blood feud between the bloodlines of

  Etain and Cian which came to a head when the sons of

  Tuirill killed Cian, father of Lugh.

       Once when Delbaeth was suffering a sickness and could

  not find a cure he went to his mother's father Diancecht.

  Diancecht gave him a draught at Cnoc Uachtat Archae that

  caused him to vomit 3 times.  The first time he threw up

  was in Loch Uair, the second in Loch Iairn and the third in

  Loch Aininn.

       Delbaeth ruled the Danann for 10 years after Daghda

  until he and his son, Olloman, were killed by Caicher, son

  of Namadach, son of Eochu Garb, son of Dui Temen, son of




NAME         Delbchaem

EPITHET      Fair Shape

GENDER       F

CATEGORY     rigbean (noble woman)

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    The Otherworld - Land of Wonder (Tir na Iontas)

AGE          Iron

DATES        AD 3rd c

RELATIVES    Art (husband); Morgan (father); Coinchend


SEE ALSO     Art Aenfer / Coinchend / Morgan

REMARKS      Delbchaem was imprisoned by her mother in a

  tower built on the top of a high pillar because it had been

  foretold that the mother would die when her daughter

  married.  She finally escaped from her home when Art Aenfer

  defeated all obstacles and rescued her from her parents.

  She returned to Ireland with Art as his bride.



NAME         Delga

ALTERNATIVE  Dela / Deled / Delidh

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

CULTURE      Fomorii

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Louth


LANDMARKS    Magh Muirthemni

CENTERS      Dundalk (Dun Dealgan)

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 19th-18th c

RELATIVES    Morc (son)

ENEMIES      Nemedian

SEE ALSO     Morc mac Deiled

REMARKS      Delga constructed a fortress in Ulster called

  Dun Dealgan (Dundalk) in county Louth on Magh Muirthemni.

  Centuries later it was to become the fortress of Cu




NAME         Derbhorgill

ALTERNATIVE  Derbforgaill / Derbforgaille / Derorcaill

GENDER       F

SYMBOL       swan

CATEGORY     deity / filidh

TYPE         love goddess / sorcerer

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Scotland / Ireland

TERRITORY    The Otherworld - Scandinavia (Lochlann) / Ulster

SITES        Tech Midchuarta

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Lugaid Roederg (1st husband); Lugaid Riab nDerg

             (2nd husband)

ENEMIES      Fomorii

SEE ALSO     Bricriu / Cu Chulainn / Lugaid Reoderg / Lugaid

             Riab nDerg

REMARKS      Derbhorgill was a Danann of Lochlann and was

  offered to the Fomorians as a tribute.  She was taken down

  to the beach where she was to be turned over to Fomorian

  warriors when out of nowhere came Cu Chulainn.  He killed

  all the Fomorians and gave Derbhorgill her freedom.

       Derbhorgill changed herself and her maidens into swans

  and followed Cu Chulainn to Ireland.  She found Cu Chulainn

  while he was hunting with his friend Lugaid Reoderg.  As

  Derbhorgill and her maidens circled, Cu Chulainn let go a

  shot from his sling and brought her down.  She changed

  herself back into a human and Cu Chulainn, realizing what

  he had done, sucked out the shot and saved her.

       Derbhorgill was even more in love with Cu Chulainn for

  having saved her life for the second time, but because he

  was already married, Derbhorgill married his Cu Chulainn's

  friend Lugaid  Reoderg.  During Bricriu's Feast at Tech

  Midchuarta, Derbhorgill sat in the 8th position from

  Conchobar on the women's side.

       Derbhorgill eventually married Lugaid Riab nDerg the

  high chieftain of Ireland and when she died he wa so in

  love with her that he took his own life.



NAME         Dianann

ALTERNATIVE  Danann / Dinand / Dinann / Donand / Donnand

GENDER       F

FESTIVAL     summer solstice

CATEGORY     filidh / farmer

TYPE         sorcerer

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Sligo

TERRITORY    Connacht

LANDMARKS    Plain of Towers (Magh Tuireadh)

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 16th-15th c

BATTLES      second battle of Magh Tuireadh (north Moytura)

RELATIVES    Danu (mother); Airgden, Barrand, Be Chuille, Be

             Thete, Be Find and Boann (half-sisters); Daghda,

             Mechi, Brénos, Iucharbra and Iuchar (half-

             brothers); Delbaeth (grandfather); Ernmas

             (grandmother); Magog, Iarbonel, Ordan and Net


ENEMIES      Fomorii

SEE ALSO     Be Chuille / Be Find / Brénos / Boan / Daghda /

             Danu / Delbaeth / Ernmas / Iarbonel / Lugh /

             Magog / Net / Ordan

REMARKS      Dianann daughter of Danu, daughter of Ernmas,

  daughter of Etarlam, son of Ordan, promised Lugh that when

  they fought the Fomorii she and her sister Be Chuille would

  wield their magic and make the trees, rocks and sods of the

  earth rise up as an army and attack the Fomorian warriors.

       Dianann died a druid's death during the battle of

  north Moytura when she was attacked by grey air demons.



NAME         Diancecht

ALTERNATIVE  Den / Dian Cecht {jan-kett, dee'an-kecht} / Dien

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     summer solstice

CATEGORY     deity / druid

TYPE         healer god / sage of leechcraft / physician


CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Mayo / Sligo

TERRITORY    Connacht

LANDMARKS    Plain of Towers (Magh Tuireadh) / Ardagh (Achad

             Aba) / Lough Arrow

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 16th-15th c

BATTLES      first battle of Magh Tuireadh (south Moytura) /

             second battle of Magh Tuireadh (north Moytura)

ACCESSORIES  leeches and herbs

RELATIVES    Esaire (mother); Cian, Miach, Ochttriuil, Cethen

             and Cu (sons); Airmid and Etain (daughters);

             Creidhne, Goibhniu, Luchtine and Samhain (half-

             brothers); Lugh (grandson); Net (grandfather);

             Magog and Iarbonel (ancestors)

SEE ALSO     Airmid / Bress / Cian / Creidhne / Esaire /

             Etain / Goibhniu / Iarbonel / Luchtine / Lugh /

             Magog / Miach / Midhir / Net / Nuada /

             Octriallach / Samhain

REMARKS      Diancecht, son of Esaire daughter of Net, was

  the master leech of the Danann when they invaded Ireland.

  When Nuadha, head chieftain of the Danann, lost his arm

  during the first battle of Magh Tuireadh, Diancecht

  replaced it with a silver hand made by Creidhne.

       Nuadha, now disfigured, could not remain the head

  chieftain of the Danann and was replaced by Bress.

  Diancecht's son Miach, who was also a physician, replaced

  Nuadha's silver hand with one of flesh and blood.  This

  display of superior healing by his son made Diancecht so

  envious and jealous that he killed Miach.

       Diancecht replaced Midhir's eye that he had lost

  trying to settle a quarrel on the playing field of Bruig na

  Boinne.  He wrote a thesis called the "Judgement of Dian

  Cecht" which dealt with the legal responsibilities of a

  person who had caused personal injury to another.

       During the battle of north Moytura, Diancecht and his

  children Miach, Ochttriuil and Airmid chanted spells over

  the sacred Spring of Health.  Diancecht resurrected the

  dead and healed the wounded by immersing them into its well

  (Tiprait Slainge) which was located in Achad Aba (Ardagh)

  between Lough Arrow and Magh Tuiredh.

       Diancecht had filled the well with every herb that

  grew in Ireland so it was also called Loch Luibe.  The well

  was destroyed when the Fomorian Octriallach led a raid by

  warriors who filled the well with stones from the Drowes

  river and built the Cairn of Octriallach.  Diancecht died

  of painful plague, probably contacted from a poisoned

  weapon, during the battle of north Moytura.



NAME         Dianos

EPITHET      Light Half / Bright Phase

ALTERNATIVE  Danius / Dianos {jan-us} / Ianus / Janus

GENDER       M

SYMBOL       2 human heads pointing in opposite directions

FESTIVAL     winter solstice

CATEGORY     deity / chieftain

TYPE         god of portals / thunder / sky / oak /


CULTURE      Iberian / pre-Goidel - Epirotae / Urnfield-

             Hallstatt - Sequani, Aedui / Gallic -

             Tricastini, Vocontii

COUNTRY      Spain / Germany / France / England / Ireland

REGION       Saône-et-Loire

TERRITORY    Gaul / Lloegr

LANDMARKS    Iberian Peninsula / Arroux / Rhône

SITES        Boa Island / Roquepertuse / Holzerlingen /

             Leichlingen / Lothbury

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 20th c / BC 12 th c / BC 9th c / BC 6th c /

             BC 4th c / BC 3rd c

RELATIVES    Eperus (father); Iafeth (great-grandfather)

SEE ALSO     Iafeth

REMARKS      The etymology of the name Dianos suggests roots

  in the Aryan language and the meaning "bright phase" or

  "bright half".  In Celtic mythology he was the son of

  Eperus, son of Tubal, son of Iafeth, and was the chieftain

  of the Epirotae on the Iberian Peninsula.  His father seems

  to have been associated with the people of the same name

  from southern Albania, an area of the early Goidel and his

  grandfather was the progenitor of the Iberians.

       Dianos became the two-headed deity who guarded the

  entrance to The Land of the Dead in The Otherworld.  Spain

  is also associated with this mythical place.  Dianos was

  associated with the oak tree and the winter solstice which

  was the ending of the dark half and the beginning of the

  light half of the solar year.  He was also associated with

  reincarnation and his head graced the pommel of many Celtic


       Various Celtic sculptures of Dianos have been found:

  one from BC 6th century found at Holzerlingen, one of BC

  4th century from Leichlingen, Germany and another found at

  Lothbury, England which also dates from BC 4th century.

       The Gauls had a temple dedicated to Dianos at Autun in

  Saône-et-Loire, France.  The site was near the Arroux river

  and may have been a druidic center of learning.  The site

  at one time was in the territory of the Sequani, who were

  settled there between BC 12th-8th century, and the Aedui

  tribe, who were settled in the area by BC 9th century.

       A sculpture of Dianos was found at Roquepertuse in

  southern France by the Rhône in the territory of the

  Vocontii, who settled there around BC 12th century.  The

  territory was also settled by the Tricastini in BC 3rd

  century.  The stone-carving style may have been influenced

  by the Ligurians (who were the original inhabitants) or by

  the later Iberian settlers, both of whom were excellent

  stone carvers.

       The Celts in Ireland venerated a sculpture of Dianos

  which is now in a small graveyard at the side of the road

  on Boa Island at Lough Erne in county Fermanagh, North

  Ireland.  The style of carving is similar to that of the

  sculpture from Holzerlingen.

       The two-headed sculptures of Dianos are called

  Janiform and the god is often mistakenly credited to the

  Romans.  Dianos predates the Romans and like most things

  Roman he was borrowed from another culture.



NAME         Diarmaid ua Duibhne

EPITHET      Of the Love Spot (ua Duibhne) / The Auburn-

             Haired (Diarmaid Donn) / Yellow-haired Dearmaid

             of Women (Dearmaid Buidhe nam Ban)

ALTERNATIVE  Dearmaid / Dermid / Dermot / Diarmait {der mot}

             / Diarmuid

GENDER       M

SYMBOL       boar / flag - Gear-lomlan (bitter brimful)

CATEGORY     hero / warrior

TYPE         battle-line / 3rd best champion

CULTURE      Danann / Goidel / Pictish / Fomorii / Fianna -

             Clanna Ui Tarsigh

COUNTRY      Ireland / Scotland

REGION       Sligo / Tiree / Meath

TERRITORY    Leinster / Mide

LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg

SITES        Sidhe Brugh na Boyna / Ben Bulben (Beann

             Ghulban) / Ui Fiacrach Aidhne / Forest of Duvnos

CENTERS      Raith Almu (Fort of Almain) / Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          Iron

DATES        AD 3rd c

ACCESSORIES  sword - Muileartach (eastern sea)

RELATIVES    Tuireann (mother); Donn (father); Anghus (god-

             father); Fionn (uncle); Grainne (wife)

ENEMIES      Fionn / the white boar of Beann Ghulban

SEE ALSO     Anghus mac Og / Conan Maol / Donn / Eber / Fionn

             mac Cumhaill / Goll mac Morna / Grainne /

             Manannan / Oscar / Roc / Searbhan / Tuireann

REMARKS      Diarmaid was the son of Donn of the Danann and

  Tuireann, a descendant of Eber of the Milesian (Goidel). He

  was said to be fostered by the gods Anghus mac Og and

  Manannan of the Danann, meaning that he was fostered by

  their descendants.

       One day at a camp of the Fianna, Fionn's dogs were

  fighting amongst themselves.  Diarmaid's half-brother hid

  between the knees of Donn for protection but Donn crushed

  him to death.  The boy's father Roc used a magical wand to

  change the corpse into a gray-cropped white boar with no

  tail or ears.  He gave him the same life-span as Diarmaid

  and the boar ran off to Beann Ghulban (Ben Bulben) in

  county Sligo to live his life.  Diarmaid was given a geis

  not to hunt boar for his own protection.

       Diarmaid had a beauty spot (ball seirc) which made him

  irresistible to females once they saw it.  He received the

  beauty mark from a goddess of youth when he, Oscar, Conan

  and Goll were out hunting.  They spent the night in a cabin

  in the woods with an ancient man, his daughter, a wether

  sheep and a cat.  During the evening meal, the cat jumped

  up onto the table and in turn each of the Fianna tried to

  remove it but failed.  The ancient man explained to them

  that the cat was the symbol of death and none of them was

  stronger.  That night each of the males tried to entice the

  maiden to sleep with him but only Diarmaid succeeded and

  she put her mark on him.

       Diarmaid was considered to be the 3rd best warrior of

  the Fianna.  Diarmaid and Oscar were the best of friends

  and Diarmaid, the older, taught Oscar how to play Taileasg.

  One night at a feast held in honor of Fionn's marriage to

  Grainne, daughter of the high chieftain of Ireland,

  Diarmaid's love spot got him into trouble.  Grainne did not

  want to be married to Fionn and she used Diarmaid's geis

  (always to help a maiden in trouble) to rescue her from

  this fate.  Diarmaid loved his uncle and his life with the

  Fianna and did not want to elope with her but he had no


       The two ran away to the forest of Ireland and at first

  he left symbols so that Fionn would know that they were not

  sleeping together, but as time went on they fell in love. A

  cave named Ui Fiacrach Aidhne in the hills of Kenavarra at

  the western end of Tiree in the Inner Hebrides became known

  as the Bed of Diarmuid and Grainne.

       While they were being hunted by the Fianna, the couple

  entered the forest of Duvnos in which there was a magical

  rowan tree which produced berries of immortality.  The tree

  was guarded by a giant called Searbhan the Surly.  Diarmaid

  convinced the giant to allow them to hide in the tree on

  condition that they would not touch the berries.  They

  agreed, but then Grainne complained of her hunger and

  wanted to eat some.  This situation forced Diarmaid to kill

  the giant.

       The couple spent 16 years living off the land in

  Ireland and Scotland and having many adventures before

  Anghus mac Og and Grainne's father, the high chieftain of

  Ireland, put enough pressure on Fionn to allow them to come

  back to Tara.

       The couple returned to live in Raith Grainne at Tara,

  and Grainne bore four sons and a daughter by Diarmaid.

  While there, Grainne convinced Diarmaid to invite Fionn to

  a festival.  One night during Fionn's stay, Diarmaid was

  woken by hounds of the Danann howling in the distance.  In

  the morning he found Fionn and some of the Fianna ready to

  go on a boar hunt.  Diarmaid was under geis not to hunt

  boar so he went along only as an extra.

       When the white boar of Ben Bulben had been killed,

  Fionn asked Diarmaid to measure it from snout to tail.

  Diarmaid realized it was his half-brother and while

  measuring out the 16-foot boar, he was stabbed in the sole

  of his foot (his only vulnerable spot) by a poisonous


       As Diarmaid lay dying, he asked Fionn for a drink of

  water from his hands because only this could save his life.

  Fionn said there was no spring in the area and Diarmaid

  pointed out that he was lying only 9 paces from a spring

  with the best water in the area.  Fionn attempted to bring

  him water, but each time he remembered the pain Diarmaid

  had caused him, the water slipped through his fingers.

  Fionn's son Oscar, who was Diarmaid's best friend,

  threatened his father with his life if he did not bring

  Diarmaid a drink.  Fionn brought a 3rd handful of water to

  Diarmaid but he was already dead.

       Anghus mac Og and his people of the Danann appeared on

  Ben Bulben and wailed over the death of Diarmaid, then

  carried away his body on a gilded bier to Sidhe Brugh na

  Boyna on Magh mBreg in Mide.  Grainne then sent her sons

  abroad to learn the arts of combat so they could avenge

  their father's death but as time went on, Fionn wooed her.

  Much to the disgust of the Fianna, Grainne married Fionn

  and made peace between him and her sons.



NAME         Diarmait mac Conchobar

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / son of the Ri Ruirech

TYPE         chariot warrior

CULTURE      Goidel - Dal nAraide / Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Armagh


SITES        Imroll Belaig Eoin / Ard in Dirma (Height of the


CENTERS      Emain Macha (Navan)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Cualnge Cattle Raid (died)

RELATIVES    Conchobar (father); Fedlimid (half-sister); Cu

             Chulainn, Cormac Condloinges, Cuscraid Menn,

             Findchad, Fiachu, Fiachna, Naoise, Conall,

             Follomain, Glas, Mane, Conaing, Beann, Furbude

             Fer Bend and Fiachra (half-brothers)

ENEMIES      Host of Connacht / Mane

SEE ALSO     Ailill macMata / Beann / Conchobar mac Nessa /

             Cormac Condloinges / Cu Chulainn / Cuscraid Menn

             / Fedlimid Nocruthach / Fiachna / Fiachra /

             Fiachu / Findchad / Conall Cernacht / Follomain

             / Furbude Fer Bend / Glas / Macha / Mane Andoe /

             Medbh / Naoise / Nocruthach

REMARKS      Diarmait son of Conchobar was a descendant of Ir

  of the Milesian (Goidel).  During the Cualnge Cattle Raid

  at the time when the men of Ulster were recovering from the

  Pains of Macha, Diarmait was sent to parley with the hosts

  of Connacht.  Mane, a son of Ailill and Medbh, represented

  the Connacht host and Diarmait told him that Conchobar

  wanted the Brown Bull and his cattle back, plus restoration

  for the damage done.  Because Medbh had pledged a meeting

  of the bulls, she could bring the White Bull to Cualnge.

       Mane delivered the message but Medbh and Ailill

  refused all conditions.  When Mane delivered the reply,

  Diarmait suggested that they exchange spears.  They both

  died along with 3 score of each side.  The site where the

  two died became known as Imroll Belaig Eoin and the hill

  itself was called Ard in Dirma (Height of the Troops)



NAME         Diarmuid mac Cearbhail

ALTERNATIVE  Diarmait mac Cerball / Diarmait mac Cerbaill /

             Diarmait mac Cerbhaill

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Feis Temhra / Beltainn (Brilliant Fires) /

             Samhain (Night of the Dead)

CATEGORY     warrior / Ard Righ Eirinn

TYPE         high chieftain

CULTURE      Goidel - Ui Néill / Danann / Pictish

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath

TERRITORY    Connacht / Leinster / Mide / Munster / Ulster

LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg

SITES        Magh Uisneach / hostel of Banban

CENTERS      Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          Ui Néill

DATES        AD 6th c / AD 514-535 (Ard Righ - Kings List)

ACCESSORIES  Tamhlorgaibh fileadh / Boramha Tribute (cattle


RELATIVES    Fergus Cerrbel (father); Mugain (wife); Aed

             Slaine and Colman Mor (sons); Morda (2nd wife);

             Mael-morda (son); Niall (great-grandfather);

             Eremon and Tea (ancestors)

ENEMIES      Aedh Dubh

SEE ALSO     Aedh Dubh / Banban / Bec mac De / Caoilte /

             Eremon / Golamh / Mugain / Niall Noighiallach /

             Oisin / Tea

REMARKS      Diarmuid mac Cearbhail was a great-grandson of

  Niall Noighiallach and a descendant of Eremon and Tea of

  the ancient Milesian.  When Diarmuid became the high

  chieftain, Ireland was inundated with such hailstorms that

  12 new streams were created.

       Diarmuid was one of the last great pagan rulers of

  Ireland and during his rule The Feast of Feis Temhra

  (ritual marriage between the high chieftain and the earth

  goddess of Mide) was still being practiced.  He ordered the

  stories of Oisin and Caoilte to be cut into the poet staffs

  (Tamhlorgaibh Fileadh).

       Diarmuid killed two head chieftains of Leinster over

  the cattle tax (Boramha Tribute).  After that he extracted

  the tax without a fight.

       While Diarmuid was high chieftain of Ireland, a legal

  representative of the court of Tara was murdered by a

  chieftain named Hugh Guairy.  Diarmuid sent officers to

  arrest Hugh Guairy for the murder he had committed, but he

  was hidden away by the clergy of a new religion that was

  aggressively trying to defeat the established religion in

  Ireland at the time.  Diarmuid had the premises searched

  and the murderer was brought to justice at Tara.  The

  clergy of the new religion gathered at Tara and laid a

  curse upon it, but it failed and Tara continued to be used

  as a site for pagan rituals as late as AD 780.

       Diarmuid found that his wife was having an affair with

  Flann mac Dima, and on the eve of Beltainn attacked his

  raith on the Plain of Uisneach.  While it was ablaze, Flann

  suffocated in a vat of water where he climbed to escape the


       Diarmuid asked his druids how he would meet his own

  death.  The first filidh said he would die from slaughter

  while he was wearing a shirt made from the single flax seed

  and a mantle made from the wool of one sheep.  The second

  filidh said Diarmuid would die from drowning in a vat of

  beer made from a single seed of grain.  The third filidh

  said Diarmuid would die from burning after eating the bacon

  of a swine that was never farrowed.

       Diarmuid then asked the seer Bec mac De and he said

  that all of the above would be the cause of his death in

  the hostel of Banban when the ridgepole fell on his head.

       Years later, Diarmuid was invited to a feast at the

  hostel of Banban.  Diarmuid's wife Mugain refused to go,

  saying it would have evil consequences, so Diarmuid went by

  himself to the feast.  Diarmuid never returned because he

  was stabbed by Aedh Dubh, suffocated by smoke from a fire

  and drowned in a vat of beer when a burning ridgepole fell

  on his head.  Diarmuid had ruled Ireland for 21 years.  His

  body was buried in Conaire but his head was taken to




NAME         Diliu macGarach

EPITHET      Deluge / Torrent

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         chariot warrior

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Connacht

SITES        Ard Ciannacht / Ath meic Garach

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Cualnge Cattle Raid (died)

ACCESSORIES  Meslethain (Lethan's fosterling) was his


RELATIVES    son of Garach; Lon and Uala (brothers)

ENEMIES      Cualnge / Pictland / Ulster / Chulainn

SEE ALSO     Cu Chulainn / Err / Innell / Lethan / Lon

             macGarach / Uala macGarach

REMARKS      The 3 macGarach brothers were distraught over

  the deaths of Err, Innell and Orlam.  They chose an

  underhanded method to seek revenge on Cu Chulainn, who had

  fought a most honorable fight.

       Diliu and his two brothers thought they could have

  their charioteers hold strips of aspen-wood so as to attach

  themselves into one unit and attack Cu Chulainn together.

  To a champion warrior like Cu Chulainn, this was a great

  insult to the code the warriors lived by.  Cu Chulainn

  showed no mercy and took the heads from all six of them at

  the ford of the sons of Garach (Ath meic Garach).



NAME         Dis

EPITHET      The Invisible / Father of the Gauls (Dispater)

ALTERNATIVE  Dis Pater / Hades / Pluto / Orcus

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     deity

TYPE         god of night, the underworld and the dark half

             of the year

CULTURE      Goidel - Parisii tribe

COUNTRY      France

TERRITORY    Gaul / Hades


SITES        Paris

AGE          Bronze / Iron

DATES        BC 13th c

ACCESSORIES  Cerberus (3-headed dog)

RELATIVES    Rhea (mother); Cronos (father); Goddess-Without-

             Name, Aericura and Proserpine [Persephone]

             (consorts); Hera and Demeter [Isis] (sisters);

             Zeus and Poseidon (brothers); Ouranos

             (grandfather); Gaia (grandmother)

SEE ALSO     Aericura / Goddess-Without-Name / Hera /

             Poseidon / Zeus

REMARKS      Dis was the god of the Underworld or the Land of

  Hades and kept a fierce 3-headed guard dog named Cerberus.

  Dis possessed a helmet which would turn him invisible.  The

  name Dis probably derives from D'Isis (of Isis).  Two

  ancient sites of her cult were on the Thames near Oxford

  and Paris on the Seine.

       There was an altar in Paris, a center of the Parisii

  tribe, where Dis was venerated.  The Parisii tribe were of

  the Goidel culture, some of whom migrated from England

  after the Trojan war into the area and developed Paris as a

  center.  They were still there when the Romans conquered

  the area in BC 1st century.



NAME         Divico

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     hero / warrior / chieftain

CULTURE      Gallic - Tigurini tribe

COUNTRY      Germany / France / Switzerland


LANDMARKS    Garonne / Jura Mountains / Lake Leman

SITES        Agen

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 109 / BC 107 / BC 58

ENEMIES      Rome / Caesar

REMARKS      In BC 109 the Tigurini tribe left Germany with

  the Helvetii, Cimbri and Teutoni and travelled into Gaul.

  In BC 107 Divico led Tigurini warriors to join with

  warriors of the Volcae Tectosages in southern France and

  together they defeated a Roman army near present-day Agen

  on the Garonne river.

       Divico eventually led his people to Switzerland where

  they settled in the Jura Mountains near present-day Lake

  Leman (Lake Geneva).  49 years later, he led a delegation

  to negotiate a peaceful passage for his tribe through the

  Roman territory of Province.  The request was denied by

  Caesar, who wanted revenge because a relative had been

  killed in the massacre at Agen.



NAME         Divitiacus


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / vergobret / Rex / vate

TYPE         magistrate / seer / appointed head chieftain

CULTURE      Gallic - AEdui tribe

COUNTRY      France



CENTERS      Bibracte (Autun)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 1st c / BC 58 / BC 57

RELATIVES    Dumnorix (younger brother)

ENEMIES      Dumnorix

SEE ALSO     Dumnorix

REMARKS      Divitiacus asked Rome for help in dealing with

  his unruly brother.  The senate did not want to become

  involved but Caesar seized this as an excuse for invading

  Gaul.  In BC 58 Divitiacus was appointed head chieftain of

  the AEdui tribe by Caesar.  Under his leadership, the AEdui

  invaded the territory of their client tribe the Bellovaci

  in BC 57 to try to persuade them not to fight against the




NAME         Doche macMagach


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

TYPE         chariot warrior

CULTURE      Gailioin

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Connacht

SITES        Imroll Belaig Eoin (Misthrow at Bird Pass)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Cualnge Cattle Raid

RELATIVES    Magach (mother); Doiche (father); Fithir (son);

             Anluan, Bascell, Cet, En, MacCorb and Scandal

             (brothers); Maga (sister); Ailill (nephew)

ENEMIES      Cualnge / Pictland / Ulster / Chulainn / Fiachna


SEE ALSO     Ailill macMata / Anluan / Bascell / Cet mac

             Magach / Dubthach Doel / En / Fiachna macFerfebe

             / Iliach / Loeghaire Buadhach / MacCorb / Maga

             Muresc / Magach of Connacht / Mane Andoe /


REMARKS      Doche supplied warriors for the Host of Connacht

  during the raid into Ulster for the Brown Bull of Cualnge.

  One day he and Mane Andoe were together and met up with

  Fiachna macFerfebe, whom he hated and who was with his good

  friend Dubthach Doel.  Doche became so angry he threw a

  spear at Fiachna but he hit his friend Dubthach by mistake.

  Fiachna threw a spear at him but hit his cousin Mane Andoe.

  The name of the place therefore became known as the

  Misthrow at Bird Pass.

       During the Clump-fight of Iliach, Doche recognized

  Iliach as the grandfather of his good friend Loeghaire and

  treated him with the respect the famous ancient warrior

  deserved.  When Iliach's wrath and energy was spent, Doche

  cut off his head and took his sword to give to Loeghaire as

  the old warrior had requested.



NAME         Dolb

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         protector of Cu Chulainn

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland


SITES        Ath Firdead (Ferdiad's Ford)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Cualnge Cattle Raid (died)

ACCESSORIES  supernatural cowl of invisibility

RELATIVES    Goll mac Dolb (son)

ENEMIES      Cu Chulainn

SEE ALSO     Cu Chulainn / Ferdiad

REMARKS      Dolb and Indolb were two Danann who were friends

  of Cu Chulainn and would come to his aid in a time of need.

  During Cu Chulainn's combat with Ferdiad, they used their

  supernatural cowls to make themselves invisible and fought

  on either side of him.

       Ferdiad suspected Dolb and Indolb were there by the

  number of blows raining down on his shield and he used his

  skill to kill them both, even though he could not see them.

  Cu Chulainn's dishonorable use of these invisible helpers

  infuriated Ferdiad and he almost got the better of Cu

  Chulainn then and there.



NAME         Domaine Mossud

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Samhain (Night of the Dead)

CATEGORY     filidh

TYPE         judge to Conaire (Ard Righ Eirinn)

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath


LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg / Magh Liffey

SITES        Da Derga's Hostel

CENTERS      Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Ath Cliath

ENEMIES      Ingcel / sons of Donn Desa

SEE ALSO     Da Derga / Donn Desa / Ingcel

REMARKS      The 3 men Domaine Mossud, Dergus Ferde and

  Fergus Fordae were judges to the high chieftain of Ireland.

  One had a newly-shaven head while the other two had manes

  of hair.  They wore mixed plaids, mantles, silver pins and

  armor.  They each killed an enemy warrior during the

  destruction at Da Derga's Hostel on Magh Liffey.



NAME         Domangart

ALTERNATIVE  Domangort / Domhanghart

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / Ri Ruirech

TYPE         head chieftain

CULTURE      Goidel - Dal Riada / Danann / Pictish / Scotti

COUNTRY      Ireland / Scotland

REGION       Highland / Argyll

TERRITORY    Albainn / Argyll / Cinel Loairn / Cinel Gabrain

CENTERS      Dunadd

AGE          Ui Néill

DATES        AD 5th-6th c / AD 506 (became Ri Ruirech)

RELATIVES    Fergus (father); Comgall and Gabran (sons);

             Angus, Loarn and Muirchertach (uncles); Eremon,

             Tea and Cairbre Riada (ancestors)

ENEMIES      Pictish - Caledonians

SEE ALSO     Angus macEirc / Cairbre Riada / Comgall / Eremon

             / Fergus macEirc / Gabran / Loarn macEirc /

             Muirchertach / Tea

REMARKS      When Domangart became the second head chieftain

  of the Dal Riada in Albainn.  He and his uncle Angus joined

  the territories together and this was the beginning of the

  Scotti (Irish) in Albainn (Scotland/northern England).

      They were more of a sea than a land colony when they

  settled Cinel Loairn on the north side and Cinel Gabrain on

  the south side of Loch Fyne.



NAME         Domhnall

EPITHET      The Warlike

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         chariot warrior / champion / combat instructor

CULTURE      Fir Domnann tribe

COUNTRY      Scotland

REGION       Strathclyde

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Dornoll (daughter)

SEE ALSO     Conall Cernacht / Cu Chulainn / Dornoll /

             Loeghaire Buadhach / Scathach

REMARKS      Domhnall was a warrior champion of high

  reputation who ran a training school for young warriors. Cu

  Chulainn, Conall Cernacht and Loeghaire Buadhach were three

  of his many students.  When he finished teaching them, he

  advised Cu Chulainn to go to Scathach for further training.



NAME         Domhnall Breac


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / Ri Ruirech

TYPE         head chieftain of the Dal Riada of Albainn

CULTURE      Goidel / Scotti

COUNTRY      Scotland

TERRITORY    Albainn

LANDMARKS    Plain of Forts (Magh Rath at Moira)

AGE          Ui Néill

DATES        AD 7th c / AD 637

BATTLES      Moyraith (Cath Maige Raith)

ENEMIES      Domnall mac Aedh

SEE ALSO     Domnall mac Aedh

REMARKS      Domhnall Breac raided Ireland and fought against

  the warriors of Domnall mac Aedh, the high chieftain of

  Ireland, in the battle of Magh Rath at Moira.

       Domhnall Breac's champion, Conall, nearly killed the

  high chieftain.



NAME         Domnall mac Aedh

ALTERNATIVE  Domhnall mac Aeda

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / Ard Righ Eirinn

TYPE         high chieftain

CULTURE      Goidel - Ui Néill / Danann / Pictish

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath

TERRITORY    Connacht / Leinster / Mide / Munster / Ulster

LANDMARKS    Plain of Forts (Magh Rath at Moira)

CENTERS      Dun na nGedh (Dun na nGed / Dun na nGeid)

AGE          Ui Néill

DATES        %AD 6th-7th c / AD 596-626 (Ard Righ - Kings

             List) %

BATTLES      Moyraith (Cath Maige Raith)

ACCESSORIES  shield (Derg-druimnech or Red-backed)

             Boramha Tribute (cattle counting)

RELATIVES    Aedh (father); Oengus and Fergus (sons); Mael-

             Coba, Garban and Cumascach (brothers); Eremon

             and Tea (ancestors)

ENEMIES      Conall / Domhnall Breac

SEE ALSO     Aedh mac Ainmireach / Domhnall Breac / Eremon /


REMARKS      Domnall mac Aedh son of Aedh mac Ainmireach was

  a descendant of Eremon and Tea and retained the position of

  high chieftain of Ireland for 30 years.  He built a new

  center for Ireland at Dun na nGedh on the bank of the

  Boyne.  He built it in the likeness of Tara and from there

  the high chieftains continued to rule Ireland.

       Domnall was attacked by Domhnall Breac, head chieftain

  of the Dal Riada tribe of Scotland.  He drove them off

  during the battle on Magh Rath (Plain of Forts) at Moira.

       Domnall continued to collect the cattle tax (Boramha

  Tribute) from Leinster every year without a fight and he

  died a natural death.



NAME         Domnu

EPITHET      Vortex of the Sea

GENDER       F

SYMBOL       whirlpool

CATEGORY     deity

TYPE         Great Mother (fertility/abundance/prosperity)

CULTURE      Fir Domnann tribe

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Connacht

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 16th-15th c

RELATIVES    Indech (son)

SEE ALSO     Indech

REMARKS      Domnu was the mother goddess of the Fir Domnann

  tribe of Ireland.  Her name meant "hole in the ocean".



NAME         Don

EPITHET      Genius


GENDER       F

CATEGORY     deity / rhain (noble woman) / Sovereign

TYPE         mother goddess (fertility of the tribe)

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Wales

REGION       Gwynedd {gwin-eth} / Clwyd {clud}

TERRITORY    Gwynedd

LANDMARKS    Don river

CENTERS      Caer Dathl (Fort Dathal) at Caernarfon

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Mathonwy (mother); Arianrod (daughter);

             Amaethon, Gilfaethwy, Govannon and Gwyddion

             (sons); Math (brother); Pepin (consort)

SEE ALSO     Amaethon / Arianrod / Gilfaethwy / Govannon /

             Gwyddion / Math / Mathonwy

REMARKS      Don was the mother and eponymous goddess of the

  Danann of Wales.  There is a Don river that flows into the




NAME         Donn

EPITHET      The Dark One

ALTERNATIVE  Dond mac Miled / Eber Donn (Dark Eber)

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Beltainn (Brilliant Fires)

CATEGORY     deity / warrior / Ri Ruirech

TYPE         god of the dead / chariot warrior / head


CULTURE      Goidel (Milesian) - Artabri tribe

COUNTRY      Ukraine / Russia / Egypt / Spain / Ireland

REGION       Asia Minor / Galicia

TERRITORY    Scythia / West Munster / The Otherworld - House

             of Donn (Tech nDuind)

LANDMARKS    Caucasus / Caspian sea / Black Sea / Crimean

             Peninsula / Mediterranean / Atlantic / Beara

             Peninsula / Bull Island

CENTERS      Brigantia (A Corunna)

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 15th c

RELATIVES    Golamh (father); Seang (mother); Dil (wife/half-

             sister); Airioch Feabhruadh (brother); Eremon,

             Eber, Amhairghin, Ir, Colptha and Arannan (step-

             brothers); Odba (half-sister); Scota (step-

             mother/wife); Bile (grandfather); Bregon (great-

             grandfather); Brego, Bladh, Fuad, Murthemne,

             Cualgne, Cuala, Eibleo, Nar and Ith (cousins)

ENEMIES      Danann

SEE ALSO     Amhairghin / Arannan / Banbha / Bile / Bladh /

             Bregon / Colptha / Eber / Eire / Eremon / Fodhla

             / Fuad / Golamh / Ir / Ith / Scota / Seang

REMARKS      Donn, son of Golamh, son of Bile, was born in

  Scythia (an area north of the Caucasus streaching east

  around the Caspian Sea to the Volga river and west around

  the Black Sea to the Crimean Peninsula).  When his mother

  died, he went with his father to Egypt where he studied law

  and they fought as mercenaries, then to Spain.

       In Spain, Donn and his half-brother Eremon ruled their

  people jointly.  Donn married his half-sister Dil, joining

  these two veins of the family together, and Eremon married

  her sister Odba (who was also his half-sister) joining these

  two veins of the family together.

       When news of Ith's death at the hands of the Danann

  reached Spain, Donn was elected as head chieftain of the

  warriors to invade Ireland.  The invasion fleet consisted

  of 36 ships with 2x24 warriors each.

       It was prophesied that Ireland would be taken by an

  invading force that made landfall at Inber Scene (mouth of

  the Shannon).  The Milesian circled Ireland 3 times but

  each time they came up to Inber Scene the Danann hid the

  estuary with fog in the shape of a hog's back, causing the

  name Hog Island to be given to Ireland.

       The ships finally made landfall at Inber Scene where

  they buried two of their dead.  The Milesian then fought a

  fierce battle at Slieve Mis (Sliabh Mish) on the Dingle

  Peninsula.  After their victory, Donn led a landing party

  to Tara to negotiate with the 3 leaders of the Danann.  On

  the way they were met by the 3 goddesses of Ireland:

  Banbha, Fodhla and Eire.  Donn insulted Eire and she

  predicted that he would sire no children that would settle

  in Ireland.

       When the Goidel negotiated with the Danann, they

  agreed to pull their fleet back beyond the ninth wave.  A

  fierce storm was called up by the filidh of the Danann.

  Donn was reckless and wanted to attack but Airioch, Donn's

  brother and steerman of the ship, told him to be patient as

  it was a wind of wizards.  Amhairghin calmed the winds and

  the sea and Donn, who was impatient to put the Danann under

  his blade, set sail.  The Danann raised another wind and

  his ship was wrecked on Bull Island off Beara Peninsula.

  The 24 male and 12 female warriors died with dry blades, a

  shame upon Donn son of Seang.

       Donn was buried on the island along with his wife Dil

  and his brother Airioch Feabhruadh.  Bres, Buas, Buaighne

  and Bile son of Brig and his wife Buan daughter of

  Tigernbard were also buried on the island.

       Donn became the god of the dead, and warriors on their

  way to the Otherworld would visit him at Tech nDuind (House

  of Donn) before he carried them by ship to the Land of the

  Dead in the west.



NAME         Donn

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         battle-line

CULTURE      Danann / Fianna - Clanna Ui Tarsigh

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Leinster

LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg

SITES        Allen Hill / Sidhe Brugh na Boyna

CENTERS      Raith Almu (Fort of Almain)

AGE          Iron

DATES        AD 3rd c

RELATIVES    Tuireann (wife); Diarmaid (son); Fionn (brother-


SEE ALSO     Anghus mac Og / Diarmaid Ua Duibhne / Fionn /

             Roc / Tuireann

REMARKS      Donn took his son Diarmaid to Sidhe Brugh na

  Boyna on Magh mBreg in Mide to be fostered when he became

  of age.  While there, Donn learned that his wife Tuireann

  was pregnant by Roc, the steward to Anghus mac Og, the

  Danann love god.

       Later, when Roc's boy was still young, he ran between

  the legs of Donn to escape Fionn's hunting dogs who were

  fighting among themselves.  Donn crushed the boy with his

  knees and the child died.  Roc, the boy's father, changed

  the dead boy into a white wild boar with no tail or ears.

  He gave him a life-span equal to that of Diarmaid.  The

  boar awoke and ran off to Beann Ghulban (Ben Bulben), where

  it lived until he and Diarmaid crossed paths at death.



NAME         Donn Desa

GENDER       M

SYMBOL       porcupine

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         chariot warrior / champion

CULTURE      Baperi tribe (they of the porcupine)

COUNTRY      Ireland

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Fer Gar, Fer Lee, Fer Rogain, Lomna Druth

             (sons); Conaire Mor (foster-son)

SEE ALSO     Fer Gar / Fer Lee / Fer Rogain / Conaire Mor /

             Lomna Druth

REMARKS      Donn Desa was a foster-father to Conaire at the

  insistence of Conaire's mother.  When Conaire became the

  high chieftain of Ireland, Donn's sons turned against their

  foster-brother and were part of the raiding party that was

  responsible for his death.  Donn Desa was of the Baperi

  tribe (they of the porcupine "noku").  The word Banoku was

  their oath ("by the porcupine").



NAME         Dornoll

EPITHET      Big Fist

GENDER       F

CATEGORY     warrior

CULTURE      Fir Domnann tribe

COUNTRY      Scotland

REGION       Strathclyde

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Domhnall (father)

SEE ALSO     Conall Cernacht / Cu Chulainn / Domhnall /

             Loeghaire Buadhach / Scathach

REMARKS      Dornoll fell in love with Cu Chulainn when he

  and his friends were training with her father Domhnall.

  When Cu Chulainn spurned her advances, she sought revenge

  by causing Loeghaire and Conall to return home rather than

  go on with Cu Chulainn when he went to study with Scathach.

  She hoped that he would not survive the journey by himself.



NAME         Drappes

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     hero / warrior / chieftain

TYPE         mercenary / freedom fighter

CULTURE      Gallic - Senones tribe

COUNTRY      France


LANDMARKS    Loire / Seine

CENTERS      Uxennodunum

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 1st c / BC 52 / BC 50 (died)

ENEMIES      Rome

SEE ALSO     Lucterios / Vercingetorix

REMARKS      Drappes was a chieftain with a following of

  warrior misfits from other tribes.  They were put together

  at the start of the campaign by Vercingetorix to attack

  Roman baggage and supply trains.  Drappes had among his

  warriors a Cadurci chieftain named Lucterios who had

  survived the siege at Alesia.

       Drappes led his band of freedom-fighters to his

  fortress Uxennodunum, a place of great natural strength.

  Three legions of Romans followed them and set up three

  siege camps around the fortress.

       Lucterios' experience at Alesia had taught him the

  importance of a good grain supply when under siege. Drappes

  and Lucterios led a group of lightly-armed warriors to

  obtain grain.  They succeeded in getting grain from the

  Cadurci tribe and stole the rest from the Romans.  They

  were 12 miles from the fortress when they made camp and

  divided the supply between two groups.

       Lucterios decided to take the first group in just

  before daylight, but a Roman sentry heard some noise and

  reported it.  The Romans attacked and Lucterios escaped

  with a few warriors but most were killed or captured.  The

  Romans then discovered from their prisoners that an equal

  quantity of grain was hidden only 12 miles from the

  fortress.  The Romans attacked with a legion and Drappes

  was taken prisoner.  Drappes refused to eat, and died of




NAME         Dub

ALTERNATIVE  Dubh (black/dark)

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Samhain (Night of the Dead)

CATEGORY     herder

TYPE         swineherd of Conaire (Ard Righ Eirinn)

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath / Dublin


LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg / Magh Liffey

SITES        Da Derga's Hostel

CENTERS      Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Ath Cliath


RELATIVES    son of Mapher; Donn and Dorcha (brothers)

ENEMIES      Ingcel / sons of Donn Desa

SEE ALSO     Conaire / Da Derga / Donn Desa / Ingcel

REMARKS      Dub, Donn and Dorcha were the swineherds of

  Conaire, the high chieftain of Ireland.  During the

  destruction at Da Derga's hostel, they were there to help

  defend him.  They wore their dark hair in crown tufts and

  dressed in green frocks with dark mantles.  They wore armor

  on their shins and carried hay forks as weapons.



NAME         Dubchommar

ALTERNATIVE  Dubchomar {dubh-cumair}

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     filidh

TYPE         prophet to the Ard Righ Eirinn

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath


LANDMARKS    Magh mBerg

CENTERS      Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          iron (late)

DATES        AD 3rd-4th c / AD 300 (died)

BATTLES      Dubchomar

SEE ALSO     Fiacha Sreabhtuinne

REMARKS      When the three sons of Eochu Domplen gave notice

  that they were going to attack their uncle Fiacha

  Sreabhtuinne,  Dubchommar the filidh gave this prophecy: if

  he intervened, Fiacha would win and remain high chieftain

  of Ireland, but his descendants would never hold the

  position again.  On the other hand, without intervention

  from the filidh, Fiacha would lose, and die, but his

  descendants would rule Ireland until Doomsday.

       Fiacha decided that he would prefer to die in battle.

  Dubchommar the filidh decided that he would accompany the

  high chieftain into battle and prophesied that the battle

  would be named after him, which it was.



NAME         Dubh

ALTERNATIVE  Dub / Dubh (black/dark)

GENDER       F

CATEGORY     filidh

TYPE         sorcerer

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Leinster


CENTERS      Dublin (Black Pool)

RELATIVES    Enna (husband)

ENEMIES      Enna

REMARKS      One day Dubh found out that her husband Enna had

  another wife.  Dubh then used her sorcery to drown the

  other woman.  When Enna found out what Dubh had done, he

  killed her with a shot from a sling and she fell into a

  pool of water and drowned.  The pool became known as

  Dubhlinn (Dubh's pool).



NAME         Dubhdun

EPITHET      Dubh dun (place of darkness)

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland


AGE          Ui Néil

DATES        AD 6th c

BATTLES      Dun Bolg

ENEMIES      Leinster / Ron Cerr

SEE ALSO     Aedh mac Ainmireach / Ron Cerr

REMARKS      Dubhdun was a chieftain of Oriel (Airgialla). He

  was ordered by the high chieftain, Aedh mac Ainmireach, to

  station his troops to protect his camp from a surprise

  attack by Leinster warriors.

       When Dubhdun heard the rattle of wagons coming with

  barrels containing goods for the Boramha Tribute, he

  checked them but found only food, and let the wagons into

  the camp.  When the Leinster warriors came rushing out of

  their hiding places in the wagons, Dubhdun tried to protect

  the high chieftain but died by the sword of Ron Cerr.



NAME         Dublonges

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Samhain (Night of the Dead)

CATEGORY     warrior

CULTURE      Pictish

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Meath / Dublin

TERRITORY    Ulster - Pictland / Mide

LANDMARKS    Magh mBreg / Magh Liffey

SITES        Da Derga's Hostel

CENTERS      Raith Rig - Tara

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Ath Cliath

RELATIVES    Trebuat (father)

ENEMIES      Ingcel / sons of Donn Desa

SEE ALSO     Conaire / Curnach / Da Derga / Donn Desa /

             Ingcel / Trebuat

REMARKS      Dublonges, Trebuat and Curnach were 3 exiles

  from Pictland who served Conaire.  They were described as

  large warriors with brown skin and hair of even length. The

  three wore black hooded cowls reaching to their elbows.

  They carried huge black swords, black shields and dark

  green javelins with thick shafts.  Each warrior was wounded

  in the massacre on Magh Liffey but each was able to boast

  of killing a raider chieftain.



NAME         Dubthach Doel

EPITHET      The Black Tongue (Dubthach Doel) / The Scorpion

             (Dubthach Chafer) / Backbiter (Doeltenga)

ALTERNATIVE  Dubhthach {duv-hach}

GENDER       M

FESTIVAL     Samhain (Night of the Dead)

CATEGORY     warrior

TYPE         chariot warrior / Red Branch champion

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland

REGION       Armagh / Dublin

TERRITORY    Ulster exile / cause of Connacht

LANDMARKS    Magh Liffey

SITES        Temair Luachra (Tara of the Rushes) / Da Derga's

             Hostel / Imroll Belaig Eoin (Misthrow at Bird


CENTERS      Emain Macha (Navan) / Raith Cruachan

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Temuir Luachra / Ath Cliath / Cualnge Cattle


ACCESSORIES  sword (Uathach) / The Luin of Celtchair /

             cauldron of black blood

RELATIVES    Lugaid mac Casrubae (father)

ENEMIES      Ingcel / sons of Donn Desa / Connacht / Ulster

SEE ALSO     Celtchair / Conaire / Conchobar / Cromm Deroil /

             Cu Chulainn / Da Derga / Doche macMagach / Donn

             Desa / Fedlimid Nocruthach / Ferghus mac Roig /

             Fiachna macFerfebe / Fiachu / Ingcel / Mane

             Andoe / Sencha macAilella / Usna

REMARKS      Dubthach was a Red Branch champion from the

  province of Ulster.  He was a large crude warrior with

  thick limbs, and considered to be somewhat of a trouble-

  maker.  He was among the warriors of Ulster who followed Cu

  Chulainn on a hilarious drunken ride to Temair Luachra.

       Cromm Deroil described him as having bristling black

  hair with one cheek painted a gentle blush and the other a

  furious red.  He wore an open-mouthed leopard on his

  shoulders.  He had a sword with a bright hilt, carried a

  white shield and the dreaded death-dealing Luin of

  Celtchair.  This was a supernatural spear crafted by the

  Danann back in the Bronze Age.  The spear was the height of

  his shoulder and when it sensed battle he would give it a

  blow on the butt with his hand and showers of sparks would

  fly from it.  The spear then had to kill or be quenched in

  the cauldron of magical blood that he carried with him.

       During the Destruction at Da Derga's Hostel, Dubthach,

  Sencha (son of Ailill) and Goibnenn (son of Lurgnech) were

  3 champions who fought for Conaire, high chieftain of

  Ireland.  All 3 warriors were described as large men with

  limbs as thick as a man's waist.  All three carried long

  black sharp-edged swords, and Dubthach also carried the

  Luin of Celtchair.

       Dubthach sided with Ferghus mac Roig during the battle

  at Emain Macha, which occurred after the death of the sons

  of Naoise, and became one of the Ulster Exiles.  During the

  Cualnge Cattle Raid when the Host of Connacht was camped on

  Magh Brega, Dubthach recited a poem about the deeds of Cu

  Chulainn that filled the Connacht warriors with fear and

  left them with sleepless nights.

       Later Dubthach became jealous of Cu Chulainn when his

  wife climbed onto the shoulders of others to see him.  He

  tried to convince the host to ambush Cu Chulainn rather

  than fighting him one on one.  Ferghus heard him and

  accused Dubthach of being a coward for slaying the maidens

  of Emain Macha, Mane and Fiachu the young sons of Conchobar

  and Fedlimid's young son Carbre all in the name of revenge

  for the death of the sons of Usna.

       One day during the cattle raid, Dubthach was with

  Fiachna macFerfebe when they met up with Mane Andoe and

  Doche macMagach.  Doche threw a spear at Fiachna whom he

  hated but hit Dubthach instead.  Fiachna then threw a spear

  at Doche but hit his cousin Mane Andoe, wounding him.  The

  place was named Imroll Belaig Eroin (Misthrow at Bird




NAME         Dumnacos

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

TYPE         horse warrior / freedom fighter

CULTURE      Armorican - Andes tribe

COUNTRY      France

TERRITORY    Gaul / Aremorica

LANDMARKS    lower Loire / Loir

SITES        Lemonum

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 1st c / BC 51-50

ENEMIES      Duratios / Rome

REMARKS      Dumnacos attacked the Roman lackey Duratius of

  the Pictones in his fortress at Lemonum.  He later received

  word that Roman legions were marching to attack him, so he

  gave up on his siege and attacked the Roman legions.

  Failing to break through their defences, he returned to the

  oppidum and continued his siege.

       Dumnacos then received word that more legions were on

  the way and when he realized that he and his warriors could

  not fight them all, he decided to move his warriors back

  across the Loire river.  At that time of year the river was

  high and could only be crossed by the bridge.  The Roman

  commander who was rushing to help Duratius knew this and

  set up an ambush at the bridge.  Dumnacos and his Andes

  warriors were suprised by a superior force and lost 12,000

  warriors and their baggage train in the battle.



NAME         Dumnorix

EPITHET      Chieftain of the World

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     hero / warrior / Brenin

TYPE         horse warrior / head chieftain

CULTURE      Gallic - AEdui tribe

COUNTRY      France



CENTERS      Bibracte (near Autun)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 1st c / BC 54 (died)

RELATIVES    Divitiacus (brother); Deiotarus (son); Orgetorix


ENEMIES      Divitiacus / Caesar

SEE ALSO     Casticos / Deiotarus / Divitiacus / Orgetorix

REMARKS      Dumnorix was a chieftain of the AEdui tribe and

  formed an alliance with Casticos of the Sequani tribe and

  Orgetorix of the Helvetii, which he sealed by marrying

  Orgetorix's daughter.  After Orgetorix's death, when the

  Helveti wanted to pass through the territory of the

  Sequani, Dumnorix pleaded their case for them.  The Sequani

  agreed to allow them to pass through their territory on

  their way to new land in the territory of the Santoni


       Dumnorix was not happy with his brother Divitiacus

  because of his pro-Roman stance and friendliness towards

  Caesar.  When Caesar asked for AEdui horse warriors to help

  him in his attacks on the Helvetii, Dumnorix led them.  In

  a skirmish, he panicked the Romans into retreating but

  Caesar became wise to this and relieved him of his position

  and warned him about the consequences of causing trouble

  for Rome.  The migrating tribes were massacred by Caesar,

  and the few survivors were sent home except for those of

  the Boii, whom Caesar agreed could settle on AEdui land.

       Later, in BC 54 when Caesar launched his invasion of

  Britain, he tried to force Dumnorix to go with him so he

  would not start a rebellion while he was away.  Dumnorix

  did not want to serve Caesar and took his horse warriors

  and started for home but Caesar sent soldiers after him

  with the orders to kill him if he refused to do what he was

  told.  Dumnorix died a free man, refusing to be yoked by




NAME         Dumnuvelaunus

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / Brenin

TYPE         chariot warrior / head chieftain

CULTURE      Briton - Trinovantes tribe

COUNTRY      England

REGION       Essex / Suffolk


CENTERS      Colchester (Camulodun - fort of Camulos)

AGE          Iron

DATES        AD 1st c

RELATIVES    Avarwy (father); Imanuentios (grandfather)

SEE ALSO     Avarwy Mandubrad / Camulos / Imanuentios /


REMARKS      Dumnuvelaunus became head chieftain of the

  Trinovantes after Addedormarus.



NAME         Dunatis

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     deity

TYPE         god of strongholds


REMARKS      Dunatis was a protector of forts and fortresses.



NAME         Durthacht

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     warrior / chieftain

TYPE         chariot warrior

CULTURE      Goidel

COUNTRY      Ireland

TERRITORY    Ulster - Fermag

CENTERS      Raith Airthir

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

BATTLES      Cualnge Cattle Raid

RELATIVES    Eogan (son)

SEE ALSO     Eogan mac Durthacht

REMARKS      Durthacht was an Ulster warrior from Fermag in

  the north and fought in the Cualnge Cattle Raid.



NAME         Dwynwen

EPITHET      Lust Bearer / The White Blessed


GENDER       F

CATEGORY     deity

TYPE         goddess of love and fertility

CULTURE      Pictish

COUNTRY      Wales / England

TERRITORY    Lloegr / Ynys Prydain (Island of the Pretani)

REMARKS      Dwynwen was a fertility goddess of the Pictish




NAME         Dwyvach

GENDER       F

CULTURE      Pictish

COUNTRY      Wales / England

TERRITORY    Lloegr / Ynys Prydain (Island of the Pretani)

AGE          Bronze

DATES        BC 13th c



REMARKS      At a time when the earth split to the borders of

  Annwn, the sky rained fire and the summer was so hot the

  trees and plants would burst into flames and most living

  things died.  When the lake of waters burst its banks and

  flooded the land, Dwyvach and Dwyvan (Dwyvawn) escaped in

  the naked boat of The Celestial One (Nevydd Nav Neivion).



NAME         Dylan Eil Ton

EPITHET      The Celestial One (Nevydd Nav Neivion) / Son of

             the Sea (Dylan Ail Mor) / Son of the Waves

             (Dylan Eil Ton)


GENDER       M

CATEGORY     deity

TYPE         water god

CULTURE      Danann

COUNTRY      Wales

REGION       Gwynedd {gwin-eth} / Clwyd {clud}

TERRITORY    Gwynedd

CENTERS      Caer Dathl (Fort Dathal) at Caernarfon

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 2nd-1st c

RELATIVES    Gilfaethwy (father); Arianrod (mother); Llew

             Llaw Gyffes (half-brother); Don (grandmother);

             Math (great-uncle); Amaethon, Govannon, and

             Gwyddion (uncles)

ENEMIES      Govannon

SEE ALSO     Amaethon / Arianrod / Don / Gilfaethwy /

             Govannon / Gwyddion / Llew Llaw Gyffes / Math

REMARKS      Dylan was the son of Arianrod when she was raped

  by her brother Gilfaethwy.  Dylan was the first-born of

  twins and was sent to sea.  His uncle Govannon was

  responsible for his death.



NAME         Dyvnwal Moelmud

EPITHET      The Judge (Dyvnwal Moelmud) / Profound Bard son

             of Prydain (Dyvn Varth ap Prydain)

ALTERNATIVE  Dunvallo Molmutius (Latin)

GENDER       M

CATEGORY     hero / warrior / ovate / Rix

TYPE         judge / high chieftain

CULTURE      Briton - Trinovantes tribe

COUNTRY      England / Wales / Scotland

REGION       Cornwall

TERRITORY    Lloegr / Cambria / Albainn


SITES        temple of Concord

CENTERS      Trinovantum (London)

AGE          Iron

DATES        BC 5th-4th c (ruled 40 years)

RELATIVES    Aedd Mawr (grandfather); Prydain (father);

             Conwenna (wife); Belinos and Brennius (sons)

SEE ALSO     Aedd Mawr / Belinos / Brennius / Prydain

REMARKS      When Dyvnwal became the head chieftain of the

  Britons in Cornwall, the tribes of England began warring

  among themselves.  Dyvnwal conquered the other tribes when

  he conceived of a crafty plan during a battle in which he

  was losing.  He and some of his best warriors dressed

  themselves in the clothing of their dead enemy and slipped

  into the camp, killing the leaders.

       Dyvnwal then obtained the position of high chieftain

  of the tribes of England, Wales and Scotland.  He changed

  the center from Caer Troia to Trinovantum (Town of the

  Trinovantes), present-day London.  Dyvnwal then set about

  making laws (Molmutine Law) for his people.  One law gave

  protection to criminals who reached the temples of the

  gods, and granted them pardon when they came out.  (This

  right included the road to the temple and the living

  quarters of the temple.)  He also decreed that the plow

  should be accepted.  Robbery was put to an end, and the

  land grew fertile and peaceful.

       When Dyvnwal died he was buried by the temple of

  Concord, which he had built, and his son Belinos was

  appointed high chieftain.